
Mindful Hatha


Mindful Hatha

Term 2 2024: 30th April - 2nd July
Tuesdays 9:30 - 10:45am


In our adult lives we live in a work-focused world, often weighed down by responsibility, routine and the daily grind.

Come along and enjoy a playful yoga practice that invites you to find the joy of movement, the fun in challenge and the peace in conscious, mindful movement. Move in a way that frees you from the need to ‘do’ yoga and towards the joy of exploring and ‘being’ yoga, enabling you to take your experiences off the mat and into your life.

The classes are designed to work with an anatomical and physiological awareness of the body, creating a space for you to move with awareness and truly make the practice your own. A combination of static and flowing asana are woven throughout the class allowing you to transition from pose to pose, linking movement with breath awareness. The delicious pace strengthens and regulates the nervous system, gathers your awareness and offers greater emotional intelligence, connection and healing.

These classes are perfect for people with an understanding of asana, how to get in to and out of postures safely for their bodies and have an awareness of how to modify the postures for themselves.

The classes will include postures that require some strength and endurance (such as downward facing dogs held for 3 - 8 breaths, planks, warming vinyasas and deeper backbends). The class will play with more physically challenging asana including shoulderstands, hand balances and more. We will play and explore and be curious about all of this and find the best expressions of these postures for our own bodies and practice on that day. You are invited to participate at your own pace and in a manner that feels safe and comfortable for you.

The 10 week term is an opportunity for you to develop a consistent yoga practice. Meet with us weekly as we move consciously, exploring the 8 elements of yoga and connecting to our true nature.


Term Dates & Times 2024

Tuesdays 9:30 - 10:45am

Term 1: 6th February - 9th April
Term 2: 30th April - 2nd July
Venue: Collaroy Swim Club, Collaroy Beach